sobota 5. decembra 2015

Vianočné tvorenie.

Prípravy na Vianoce sa už začali azda v každej domácnosti a ja som rada, že môžem tiež nejako prispieť aspoň skrášlením našich domovov.

utorok 1. decembra 2015

Golden X-mas.

I made this unusual Advent wreath for my lovely colegue.Can be reused for many years with just changing of tea candles.

Christmas decorations.

Oh my dear friends I can´t tell how  I love this time of the year. I love to prepare decorations according to my feelings. And of course that I like to create different types of decorations. Decorations made by myself are mostly based on natural elements such as pinecones, nuts, wood slices, berries, greenery, branches, moss. But I also like that shiny look as I definitely think that it simply belongs to Christmas. Here are some of current decorations that I made for my family and friends. Just have a look.